Project Iris: Apple's Secret Plan to Replace the iPhone

Jason Stutman

Posted November 4, 2017

Life as you know it is about to change.

It’s a weird thing to say to a myriad of strangers, but it’s equally true.

I don’t mean this in a minor sense, just to be clear. Everyone’s life changes on a day-to-day basis for one reason or another, that’s obvious enough…

What I’m going to talk about today, though, is something far more momentous.

This change, while it may take a few years to affect you personally, will be kicked off by a single event in the very near future.

Exactly when is unclear, but it’s virtually certain it’s going to happen, and much sooner than most people think.

And when it does, one small group of savvy investors is going to make a killing.

Let’s rewind for a bit of context first.

The year is 2004. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) is still a relatively small technology firm making half of its revenue on iPods.

This flagship product has been a groundbreaking success for Apple, but Steve Jobs and company are already looking to new horizons. They’re looking at new technologies that have the potential of making the iPod completely obsolete.

This may seem like a crazy business decision to some, but that doesn’t matter to Jobs. Apple is going to cannibalize its own leading product because what comes next is going to be even bigger and better.

Apple will keep this initiative secret for three years, giving it the code name “Project Purple.”

Employees will sign nondisclosure agreements as they build the world’s first touchscreen interface.

And in 2007, Apple will finally reveal “Project Purple” to the world.

This product, of course, was the iPhone, and it would change our lives forever.

Printing directions on MapQuest? Not anymore.

Wearing a watch on your wrist? Just check the time on your phone instead.

Calling a taxi? Hail an Uber.

That GPS you own? Get rid of it.

Your landline? Forget about it.

Your digital camera? Yeah, it does that, too.

It’s amazing to think about, but in just a decade’s time, smartphones would take over the world and the iPhone would quickly become the most successful consumer product in human history.

Not only that, but the iPhone would also make some of the most successful investors in history, and not just through Apple’s stock. The product’s wild success would spark an entire ecosystem of hardware suppliers to ride its wave of success.

Corning (NYSE: GLW), Qualcomm (NASDAQ: QCOM), Imagination Technologies (LSE: IMG), Cirrus Logic (NASDAQ: CRUS), STMicroelectronics (NYSE: STM)… Those are just a few companies that have emerged from near irrelevance because of this one groundbreaking product.

I could spend the next few pages listing charts highlighting a host of triple- and quadruple-digit gains from Apple’s suppliers following the launch of the iPhone, but that would be gratuitous. It’s all a matter of record you can easily look up, so I’m not going to bother you with the details here.

The point is, people who invested in these companies early made an egregious amount of money.

What’s truly pertinent to you, though, aren’t those past gains but rather the current opportunity I’m going to tell you about. Hindsight is useless unless it’s informing your actions in the present.

So let’s fast-forward back to today.

The year is 2017, and Apple is a consumer electronics giant making the bulk of its revenue on the iPhone.

This flagship product has been a groundbreaking success for Apple, but Tim Cook and company are already looking to new horizons. They’re looking at new technologies that have the potential of making the iPhone completely obsolete.

This may seem like a crazy business decision to some, but that doesn’t matter to Cook. Apple is going to cannibalize its own leading product because what comes next is going to be something even bigger and better.

Apple is currently keeping this initiative secret, giving it the code name “Project Iris.” Employees are signing nondisclosure agreements as they build the world’s first pair of smartglasses aimed at the consumer market.

“Project Iris,” otherwise known as “Project Mirrorshades,” is happening right now. This very moment, a team of engineers is building a pair of augmented reality glasses for Apple.

And just like we saw happen with “Project Purple,” Apple’s new secret device is poised to lift a select few suppliers into the spotlight.

We know all of this because of a recent insider leak at Apple’s leading manufacturer, Foxconn. In fact, we even already know one of the suppliers for this device thanks to that leak. It’s a tiny company that’s going to explode if “Project Iris” hits the mainstream.

To be completely clear and candid, there is no guarantee quite yet that this device will reach the consumer market, but Apple is doing everything it can to make sure that it will, and we’re betting the company will succeed.

Apple is spending more on research and development than in its entire history: $11.2 billion every year. It’s poaching augmented reality talent from across the entire tech industry, acquiring augmented reality companies, and filing or obtaining related patents.

That’s not all, though. Apple just launched its ARKit so developers can make augmented reality applications. It’s building its supply chain for 3D sensing using the iPhone X as a starting point. It even has prototypes of “Project Iris” in production.

This is all happening right now while most investors are completely clueless how to play it.

Given the potential this technology holds, this is a risk-reward trade-off most investors dream of. Nothing is guaranteed in the stock market, but when you see an opportunity like this, you’d be a fool to pass it up.

The moment I found this information out, the first thing I did was pick up some shares of one of the suppliers for “Project Iris.” The second thing I did was put my thesis down into words so I could share the information with you as soon as possible.

I’ve drawn up a report detailing this opportunity, and I’ve made arrangements to follow “Project Iris” closely as the situation develops.

If you want to know what it was like to invest in the iPhone back in 2004, before the general public even knew it existed, this is as close as you’re going to get.

Until next time,

  JS Sig

Jason Stutman

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